Friday, July 22, 2011

Expense Reducers

So this is a short one, but I was pretty proud of it when it happened. I went to get my hairs cut (yes, all of them) in preparation for a job fair today and couldn't find anywhere local, so I went to Cost Cutters in Dillon, CO. Monica got her hair cut before me and as we were waiting we noticed that they had tanning booths available. They offered unlimited tans for 120 bucks a year, which seemed pretty cheap to us. Not like I'm one to roast my pasty ass in an oversized microwave, but that sounds like a deal.

Anyway, Monica finished with her haircut and came to sit with me while I waited for mine. She said that she asked her stylist about the tanning beds and had been informed that they were soon to be removed. When my turn came to get sheered I asked the woman cutting my hair why they were getting rid of their tanning beds. She wasn't sure, so I suggested that maybe it was to cut costs.... Right over her head. She honestly did not get it. "Yeah," she said, "they are pretty expensive to maintain."

If I ever work a job that's so mind numbing that I miss a soft-pitch pun like that, fire me.

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